Although pervy at times and a bit strange I really have to reccomend this anime to anyone who likes action. The fights are really great, they make it fast and without the usual DBZ talk, attack, talk, attack, formula. They explain abilities beforehand or not at all, that way the action isn't disrupted as much.
It's currently airing, and they have a lot of manga to work from, so I really think even people who usually like to wait for it to be over ought to check it out now. I found an Amv with the first fight in it, for... a sample I guess.
I've heard many good things about this series, but I think I'll hold off for a while. I'd like for a larger amount of eps to be out so that I have something to marathon. I hate being left in the dark because I'm waiting another week for the next ep to come out. Can only do that with so many series....
looks good, (i like the My Chemical Romance lol) and interesting. i guess kat will show it to me after she thinks enough is out, (i get most of my anime watching though kat) and it vaguely reminds me of D. Grey-Man... but is probably nothing like it.
I personally like watching it as it comes out, Downloading the torrents for it, and then have the suspense of the next episode, especially if they leave alot hanging in the previous one. As in Code Geass R2 right now. You don't really get that when you Marathon an anime because you lose that suspense since you watch what happens within seconds. (If you watch online [Stream]). I personally like to torrent since it's on my computer and I can keep a file of it and organize it and make GIF's. (Watch parts I want to watch without having to load anything.)
I'd ask that you wouldn't stream anime (like on youtube and veoh). It's how the fan subbers get caught by the major companies and are shut down. If you go to any of the actual sites of the fan subbers (such as dattebayo) they will have an extensive list on why you shouldn't stream fan subs. Torrenting and direct downloading is the best thing you could do.
I don't stream anime. I'm selfish like that. But I do seed, Haha. (For a while at least) I'M SO HELPFUL. xD I'll say what everybody says, Torrent Quality > Veoh/Youtube (Basically Streaming) Quality even in HD or whatever they do to make it High Quality.