Similar to the anime topic, list the manga you read.
Current Kekkaishi Katekyo Hitman Reborn Hunter x Hunter Immortal Rain Claymore Bleach Dragon Drive D-Gray man XXX Holic Tsubasa Resivoir Chronicles Full Metal Achemist +Anima
Ended series 666 Satan -Or O-parts for those who don't like satan Hikaru No Go Rurouni Kenshin Prince Of Tennis Yugi-Oh (Shonen Jumps fault) Sand Land Dragon Ball Z (also Shonen Jumps fault) Shaman King Yu Yu hakusho Death Note One Piece (after a while I got sick of it...) I's (got bored don't ask) Zatch Bell Cased Closed - I read every once in a while Ranma 11/2 YuYuhakusho- tried to find out why people liked it- didn't
Good database for manga as reccomended by Ocean- - this website has quite current updates on manga and many series.
I can talk about manga for hours- so if you want go ahead!
If time passes and nothing changes, real chaos will happen.
Haha I should just second everything chain reads... my manga is his manga and vice versa. At least current stuff... I didn't read all the finished series he has.
the rest are all more minor manga, but I'll list them anyway.
Current Minor (can't explain why I read these...) Double Arts Deadman Wonderland Immortal Regis
Current Major Fairy Tail Soul Eater (the anime got me hooked... so I looked for more...)
actually, right now i have a list about a 100 or so of anime/manga i've seen/read but..
my all time favorite... shonen manga/anime are probably monster, tegami bachi, baccano, d gray-man, bleach, akagi, claymore, hellsing, death note, kekkaishi, higurashi no naku koro ni, tsubasa resevoir chronicles, rurouni kenshin, and one piece
currently in the middle of reading.... claymore, fairy tale, one piece, tegami bachi, deadman wonderland, double arts, kurosagi, biomeat nectar, mirai nikki, kekkaishi, and the kh manga... tegami bachi and claymore being the ones most worth reading
(i go to for anime and for manga... huhuhu)
i've yet to look at reborn however....
a very funny series is The Tower of DRUAGA.... it parodies a lot of gaming anime series first ep here