For everyone who doesn't understand the guild name, here's the anime that inspired it. By the way, if you find the begining episodes boring or wierd, stick with it, they introduce and develop characters for all of the cool plot starting at about episode 20. Hopefully you'll find it all worth it when you get to the Vongola ring arc which is just plain awesome.
If for some reason you really enjoy spending time downloading anime you'll watch 70+ episodes of, you can get the torrents all from the people who make them in high quality here: Shinsen-subs
Al least watch this amv to get a feel as to where the show goes...
NICE OCEAN =^.^=, but I tend not to like AMV's with the fan subs still in them. Makes them a little incoherent don't you think? As far as getting the eps, a really good site to get free eps of anime from is They're very good at keeping caught up and it's direct download from there, not torrent. The Reborn eps that you get there are the ones that are translated by the joint sub group of Sinsen-Subs and Formula Subs.
Yup yup, I understand compleatly, never want to ruin the plot or story or anything of the sort in an anime. I'd feel really horrible if I do. That's why if I ever show AMV's to my friends who enjoy anime, I have a few that I refuse to show them because it could ruin major points in the story.