Nice, I've only seen up to 60 because that's all that Black Order subs has done so far, but i noticed that Shinsen-Sub has done up to 75, so I should prob watch that. All caught up in the manga at least =^.^=
what confuses me is that they show the egg and skull masked people which is after the Ark arc, I'm really not sure how they plan to go that far, because they're running out of manga...
already in 76 Kanda starts his "final battle"
The mangka is even taking a break to figure out where to send the plot...
In short. D. Gray-man's anime is doomed, that is unless I'm underestimating the length of the fights.
Mmmm... Good points. I'm not sure how long they're going to make the fights, or will there be more filler eps like the rest of the series has through out to make it last longer. Most series tend to wait for a large amount of manga to be out before starting an anime project, but it seems that in D.Gray-man's case, they wanted to start the series as soon as they realized it was a hit.... I hope the anime can keep up the pace, just cross your fingers with me =>.
I'm still a bit concerned about how quickly they're going. Even if they have 70 chapters to work from, they already finished the Skinn Bolic fight. Though so far, the fights have been awesome.
What do you think about how the anime has been handelling them? Too slow? Too Fast?
I think it's moving at a decent speed and I pray that they are not moving too fast. I'd hate to see fillers because they caught up, but I don't want it to go so slow that it turns into another DBZ.