I've read more manga than I could ever count and own over 300+ books. Somethings just can't be animated into anime, so manga comes in to save the day. It's nice that they leave so much to the imagination, yet give you a visual to push you in the right direction. =>.
I've read more manga than I could ever count and own over 300+ books. Somethings just can't be animated into anime, so manga comes in to save the day. It's nice that they leave so much to the imagination, yet give you a visual to push you in the right direction. =>.
I like manga more than anime, because I can sit and read it for hours, and I will take up less time reading the same episodes in anime. Anime is better in some ways tho-
sometimes they have longer and better fights
Sometimes they add on other storylines to manga
Sometimes the fillers are actually good (not naruto)
If time passes and nothing changes, real chaos will happen.