I am trying to collect all of the formula cards. I do not mind crafting for the Family, as long as I already have the formula for the craft and you provide the materials. Currently, I have made it to basic craft lvl 4, but have no formulas in lvl 4 or above. I will later list the formulas that I have if you are willing to sell or possibly donate. I will also take any donations of any of the crafting items if you plan on just tossing them (unless it is an extremely rare craft item, I will not buy it from you as I have many that I don't even have formulas for, but I'm saving them until I do).
Also, if you'd like to know what professional craft I have, I have the Martial Wear Craft. I have not started this yet, but plan on working on that after I'm at a much higher lvl.
Not too far, just expensive, as all crafting is. And as you know, to do each rank up, you need the Epaulet for the current lvl so that you can rank up. I have the Epaulet for Rank 3 of basic craft, so that'll let me get to lvl 4 easy, but I have no more after that. That means, even if I max out lvl 4 to 100%, I can't get to lvl 5 without the Epaulet.