I am currently working on a guide for this wonderful world of Cabal. I decided it was something I needed to do because I use over 5 different sites for information and have saved information from many different forums and thought, "Mmm, wouldn't it be nice if all this information was all organized in one place." When it is complete, I'll share it with the Family.
yup yup, I have that one and many many other random forum things from the euro cabal forums. I tend to dig around a lot. I'll make a section for it later, kk =^.^=
Yes, I'm still working on the Guide, I'm just taking a break on it to ponder =^.^=
I'm trying my best to finish it quickly, but there is just so much to put in it for this game, and I tend to stumble on new information here and there and have to re-think on how to place it....
Making something like a Wiki could work, but I'm no good at Web design. I'd have to wait until this summer for my friend who is good at that to help me build a site, if one was to be made.