The Forgotten Land lvl 94 The images in this guide actually aren't mine, but the writing is.
So since it seems people have trouble finding it, here is the location of the water tower you use to start the quest:
Then you have to clear a small dungeon here:
Next you continue to Port Lux... but don't enter this location yet...
Okay I'm sure most people would have skipped all that, because that's not why they need this guide...
When you enter the portal you are given a three minute dungeon.
Within this time you have to kill a small group of enemies, and a boss. I'll go over the steps and time's you need to get to complete this dungeon.
1- random group of enemies. Be sure to draw every last one, as you need to kill them all within the first 30 seconds to be sure you can clear the dungeon in time. Don't be that afriad of going near the boss, because unless you run circles around him. He won't attack you unless you attack him.
2-Boss (phase 1) Okay, don't try to out last this boss, he is designed based on your stats like a DT boss. The more def you have, the more he does, same with hp, attack, whatever. So no matter what don't try to outlast him. (Also FS don't use your shield.) Like a DT boss, you can dodge his attacks, so you should see him charging a magic explosion thing. As soon as he starts to attack, the position of the blast has been set, meaning you have time to move out of the way. You then follow up this dodge by using a farily fast, but hopefully powerful attack. The goal is to hit him, and then quickly dodge before he's able to hit you. So the sooner you dodge that first attack the more time you have. A small note, you might see a glowing shield around the boss, when that happens, you won't be able to easily hit him, so it is best to dash around, and then launch an all out attack when it's not there.
3-Boss (Phase 2) After you get him to half life he gives up magic and will start attacking you with his swords. This time it is a bit trickier to dodge. When he reaches you he'll start to charge a sword move, after which you need to dodge immediately behind him to the side, whatever. Other than that it is the same.
If you still continue to fail, don't worry about leveling that will only make the boss better. What you probably need is at least G.master skill rank if you don't have it already.
it's like fighting an old side-scroller boss, let him lock on to where you are standing and then move.
about his shield: every other time he attacks the shield is up, so your cooldown time can be a little longer if needed for the power boost in the attack
i used a Force Sheilder skill only called Shield Ray on the boss, a master skill
Shield Ray (master skill) Lvl 15 Amp x1.6 Add Attack +244.1 Range 1-7 Cool time 3.7 sec Cast time 2.5 sec
now my normal stats are a little inflated (for doing damage) because i am a dual transcender, but this gives you a cooldown time and cast time reference that allows you to attack the boss every other time without problems, just be sure to be out of his range when he does his attack because it has a little splash. just don't try many other skills that take longer than 2.5 seconds, it might be your death.