It is now... quite obvious that our guild is very short on members.
However for the most part all of our members are of quality, and close to or over 60 (save one )
It'd be great to keep the same quality, and I wish all of our members could feel like an actual part of the guild, (doesn't always happen that way in big guilds since you feel like just another member) but sadly this will happen anyway if we get big, so please no matter how busy you are, talk to new members at least a little to make them feel welcome.
If you find someone who wants to be a member, tell a guardian or blackkat. If no one's on, give them the website and tell them to read the rules in the first section. If they agree tell them, to whisper me dro or kat later, and possibly become friends with them so you'll be able to find a moment them and a guardian is on at the same time. Actually on... not skill training....
As for finding new members I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to do this... please post them if you can. And if can could post what she wants in members that'd be cool too. (like over 50, active, etc.)
Hehe, sorry for the skill training (almost done and won't ever do again =^.^=) This is a good topic Ocean.
As far as finding new members, I just tend to go around and talk to people. If they seem nice, I try to become friends with them. After that, if they're not in a guild (and sometimes even if they are) I let them know about our guild, tell them about the site and to think about it. =^.^= That way, even if they don't join, I still made a new friend =>.
It's hard to become friends with everyone right away ...
And no matter how nice some people seem sometimes they just quit at random.
Since all the decent leveled people are in guilds and we'd hope to find new players for our guild. I came up with a plan to filter members.
It would basically give us two types of people, official members and I guess pending members
You said that after port lux people tend not to quit right? So we could have 50 be the time people can become official members. Once they become official they can be sorted into their child category.
Before that you could leave them in Guild members, or put them into some themed trainee group.
like "Vongola in training" or just "Trainees"
We wouldn't treat them the same as official members, so if they're overly annoying, pk, or just plain disappear. We could easily kick them with no problem, and far less thought.
So if we find someone who turns out to be a pker or something we can easily kick them.
yeah it's a bit complex but it might help recruiting "good" members.
It's hard to become friends with everyone right away ...
And no matter how nice some people seem sometimes they just quit at random.
Since all the decent leveled people are in guilds and we'd hope to find new players for our guild. I came up with a plan to filter members.
It would basically give us two types of people, official members and I guess pending members
You said that after port lux people tend not to quit right? So we could have 50 be the time people can become official members. Once they become official they can be sorted into their child category.
Before that you could leave them in Guild members, or put them into some themed trainee group.
like "Vongola in training" or just "Trainees"
We wouldn't treat them the same as official members, so if they're overly annoying, pk, or just plain disappear. We could easily kick them with no problem, and far less thought.
So if we find someone who turns out to be a pker or something we can easily kick them.
yeah it's a bit complex but it might help recruiting "good" members.
Very good choice- as stated in rurouni kenshin- these people are those who are there just for the thrill- those who are commited will be obvious- those who want to just be in for the thrill will not stick around so make sure the people you talk to who want to join your guild - and I know Dro and Ocean and Boss know this- show commitment in some way. Sorry if I insulted anyone by saying this post.
If time passes and nothing changes, real chaos will happen.