It's sad that I'm the first one to answer my own post...
I've found a new anime called Soul Eater. The animation style, plot, and characters are all a little weird, but the fighting scenes are some of the fastest and most nicely animated I've seen for a long time.
It looks awesome even when they're fighting with a simple weapon. If you can stand the characters for long enough check out the first episodes fight scene.
Sorry, I don't always tend to watch anime that is still airing, just because I like to marathon everything in it at once. Can't really do that if it's not finished =-.-= I see new series only as they are recommended to me. Personally I try to find series that are already finished so that I can watch them in one go =^.^=
Oh yeah, Soul Eater is a good anime. I'm expecting a lot from it. Code Geass R2 (Second Season) is airing. Today will be the airing of the 5th episode. (Yes, It's still airing.) If you haven't watched the first season, you should watch that first, obviously.