I would love to make Martial wear (as I have the transmuter for it), but let me give you some advice on adept armor and weapons. The only part that matters on the adept item is how much it gives you per skill. The lvl of the armor (i.e. bluestin, titanium, osmium) does not affect how much skill you get, it only affects how much damage you can take. You are best off (for adept items) getting something that gives you +3 or +4 to skill. What ever you do, do not settle for a +2.
I like leveling in +3s, however I think you're right. I should just collect better bluestin and use different armor for leveling. But... I was liking the efficiency.
it sounds like you are using adept stuff all the time, which is good, just get used to using lots more HP pots. it is worth it.
like blackkat said, "only use +3's or higher for adept stuff" the higher the armor is with high adept, it gets a little to costly, at least for me it seems like. also since i'm wearing Osmium, i get used to holding my extra set of adept armor that i throw on if the monsters are weak enough.
i have the transmuter for Artifact, but i have not really raised it yet.
i'd say bluestine adept would be as high as you really need to go, but if you are willing to spend the money, it's up to you.