Nationality: 50% Chinese/ 50% Polish, born in the US
Birthday: 4/25/1991
Job: Paper boy.
Education: Currently in highschool and college.
About me: i'm normaly a quiet person, unless someone starts talking to me, i like anime and manga and videogames, with school and homework i can't be on Cabal as often as i would like, but i try my best. :)
About me: I like talking and helping people out whenever I can, however I have a weakspot for arrogant people... Being the current lowest level I'll work hard to level, but with IB homework I might not be able to get on all of the time. I'll look forward to getting to know everyone.
Nationality: Native American, Black, Trinidadian, and Venezualan...but mostly Native american and black ^^
Date of Birth: January 1st...*cool i know* lol
Edumacation: next fall
Ocupation: GSR at Hollywood Video and Model for Aztro Modeling Group.
About myself: Been Playing cabal for a couple years on and off it. Im one of the easiest ppl to talk to. In my and many other peoples a very nice person. Once in a while i might let some anger out..but thats usually only in game persona i guess u can say. I'm very happy to be a part of this guild. I'll enjoy having stories with you guys soon ^^
Blackkat's added note: Duo has moved to another guild, but still a good guy =^.^=
Name: Strey.... real name Yuffie Kisaragi (hah, i wish....)
Class: Force Archer.... the ones with the shiny bows that poke you with shiny sticks
Nationality: Purebred >___>??? both parents from countryside china. i, however, was born in colorado... not too glamorous of a birth history there...
Date of Birth: September 25... 1992. Year of the monkey =(|)
Edumacation: A self-taught ninja. No, really.
Ocupation: 15 year old hermit.
About myself: Oh, this is nervwracking... let's see imma animefan, wannabe sloth, wannabe nerd (it's an asian thing), killer bookworm (i'm the type that librarians have to hunt out with giant flyswatters and anti-booknerd spray), big nintendo/square-enixfan, in addition to being the new baby of the family....
looks like i'll need to work hard. @_@ nice meeting you all...